Category: Carer Story

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Carer Story

National Volunteer Week

Former Australian Politician Elizabeth Andrew once said “volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they have the heart”. This wonderful group within our community numbers almost 6 million nationwide and without them, many of those who are vulnerable and at risk would not receive the support they need.   From 17 – 23 May we celebrate and recognise our volunteers, the unpaid workers among us who donate their time to help those in need. The theme for this year is Recognise. Reconnect. Reimagine.   At Arafmi, we are very lucky to have volunteers who help us facilitate some of our carer support groups as well as working with our telephone support line for carers. Louise and Sharni are two such volunteers, and as part of National Volunteer Week this year, we sat down with them both to chat about what it’s like to volunteer. Thank-you to Louise and Sharni for taking the time to share their volunteering story with us and allowing us to share it with you. Here’s to all the volunteers out there who offer up their time to help others in need. Thank-you for making the world a better place. Louise Volunteer Telephone Support Worker 28 years with Arafmi Louise and her husband Roger first discovered Arafmi when their teenage son was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1993. When I asked Louise where they

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Carer Story

Young Carers Survey – Date Extended

Are you a young person aged 9-24 who provides unpaid care/support or spends extra time looking after someone who needs assistance?

If you do, we would like to hear from you!

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Imrana’s Carer Story

At our recent Mental Health Carer Retreat, one of our carers penned this letter to us and we were so moved, we asked her if we could share it on our website. She has very kindly given us permission, so we have shared it with you below. “To whom it may concern, On our road to recovery from unimaginable trauma and tragedy, we came across, or rather had the privilege of being introduced to Arafmi. My three beautiful children had suffered at the hands of a toxic tyrant who almost got away with murder – in some ways he did actually as we lost the will to live. I reached out in frantic desperation and sent out a multitude of emails to various organisations, crying for help. I did the best I could but my children required specialised support. Arafmi held my hand on this journey to help me recover and are still doing so. Carers and their loved ones, at times of crisis, rely heavily on organisations like Arafmi. The support workers provide a safe, loving environment allowing carers to be human again. The gravity of my stress levels hit me hardest during, ironically, a meditation session organised by

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Narelles Carer Story

Narelle’s Carer Story

We are regularly calling for our carers to share their story with us and where we can, we like to share them with you. Below are the words from one of our carers who has bravely shared their journey with us. We respectfully and gratefully pass it on to you. “When I really think about my life, I have always been a ‘carer’. From a tiny tot when I use to save stranded cats, to a teenager sticking up for the kids being bullied, to as an adult working with people with physical and intellectual disabilities, to now being my 40-year-old son’s unpaid carer, which started when he became unwell at 25. I tell people, that I should be fitter than I am, as I do a lot of dancing – two steps forward, 1 step back, as I have travelled this mental health road with my son. Nothing prepared me for this, and all I had going for me, was my love for my son, and my spiritual belief. Hope is steadfast in my daily life, without it I may have given up, and I know hope is what keeps my son from giving up. I am amazed at

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