Category: Arafmi Staff

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Arafmi Staff

Arafmi Staff Conference 2023

Arafmi Staff Conference 2023 On Thursday, 22 June Arafmi held the annual staff conference in the Marquee at Victoria Park in Herston. It was a beautiful, clear winter day and the venue provided a perfect spot for the meeting as well as lots of delicious food. Over 100 staff came together on the day to hear from a range of speakers. Irene Clelland, CEO opened the conference with an outline of where the organisation is and the achievements we have made. We also met our new Executive Manager – Systems & Advocacy, Katie Acheson who elaborated on her role in the exciting space of providing systems advocacy on behalf of mental health carers. Robert Bland who was instrumental in the beginning of Arafmi in Queensland spoke to our staff about the origins of our organisation and the great progress we continue to achieve. People & Culture Business Partner, Ross Mountford provided helpful sessions covering professional boundaries, resilience and the new HR program, Employment Hero. We were fortunate enough to have a mental health carer join Katie on stage for a Q&A where she shared her carer journey and how she came to find Arafmi. Simon Moore lead the next session

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