Financial Info for Carers session is designed specifically for people who care for a friend or family member with mental health needs.This practical Financial Info for Carers session will provide details about a range of financial resources available for carers now and potentially in the future.
This session will explore the avenue service users, carers, family members and friends have at their disposal.The Complaints about a Health Services session will explore the avenue service users, carers, family members and friends have at their disposal.This information session is designed specifically for people who care for a friend or family member with mental health needs.
To register for the group, completion of the Creating & Maintaining Personal Healthy Boundaries Workshop is required. The Boundaries Practice Group supports mental health carers in developing skills and confidence in setting, communicating, and upholding boundaries. It is a facilitated group that provides a space for reflecting on skills and situations, problem-solving and role-playing with peer support.
Supporting positive wellbeingCreate and Connect is a monthly group where carers experience a range of creative activities like journalling to support positive wellbeing.
Join us for Coffee Connect on the last Tuesday of the month in Atherton. Drop in, have a chat and catch up with Arafmi and other carers. All mental health carers supporting family members, kin or friends experiencing mental ill-health are welcome.
Arafmi Carers of Youth (Online) Support Group is for families caring for youth experiencing mental health illness.
This support group provides peer support to people who care for their loved ones experiencing mental illness.
Join us for Coffee Connect on the last Thursday of the month in Toowoomba. Drop in, have a chat and catch up with Arafmi and other carers.
All mental health carers supporting family members, kin or friends experiencing mental ill-health are welcome.
Our Gold Coast Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
This session will explore the purpose of developing a safety plan with the person you support, when to do this and how.Developing a Safety Plan session is designed specifically for people who care for a friend or family member with mental health needs.
Our Inner Brisbane Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.