This workshop explores potential situations and emotions carers may face, along with skills to use at various stages of their journey.Drawing on Australian research and shared experiences, this workshop will explore the potential situations and emotions you could experience, and skills to use, as you walk alongside the person you support.Learn from the experiences of other family members, friends, partners and unpaid carers who have supported someone living with mental ill-health.
Supporting positive wellbeingCreate and Connect is a monthly group where carers experience a range of creative activities like journalling to support positive wellbeing.
Arafmi Carers of Youth (Online) Support Group is for families caring for youth experiencing mental health illness.
This support group provides peer support to people who care for their loved ones experiencing mental illness.
Our Gold Coast Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
4th Friday of the month 10am -12noon. Our Ipswich Carer Support Group offers a supportive environment where people have the opportunity to talk about their feelings, help explore alternative ways of coping, offer support to other group members, or to simply listen and observe. Support groups are also a valuable means of informing carers of Arafmi services and resources that are available to assist their caring role.
Our Inner Brisbane Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.