Resources & Directories

Resources and information to support mental health carers and family members.

Looking for more information about mental health services? We have listed below some sites you may find useful.

If you know of any other resources we should add, please contact us.

Crisis Contacts

In an emergency call 000 or go to your local hospital emergency department.

Mental Health Access Line

1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255) is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.

1300 MH CALL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will link to the caller’s nearest Queensland Public Mental Health service.

The 1300 MH CALL service:

  • is the main point of access into public mental health services
  • can provide support, information, advice and referral
  • can provide advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis
  • is staffed by trained and experienced professional mental health clinicians
  • will provide a mental health triage and refer to acute care teams where appropriate.
Medicare Mental Health Centres

Walk-in centres that provide free, immediate, short- and medium-term care to anyone. They aim to make it easier for anyone living in Australia to access equitable, free, and quality mental health support closer to home.

Locations: Townsville, Ipswich, Kingaroy, Logan, Redlands, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Bundaberg and Sunshine Coast.
Phone: 1800 595 212
Website: Medicare Mental Health Centres

24/7 Crisis Services

Lifeline 13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36

MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

1800 Respect 1800 737 732

DV Connect (Domestic Violence 24hr helpline) 1800 811 811

Natural Disasters

Birdie’s Tree – Free Children’s Resources
Free resources from Queensland Health to help young children (0-6 years) understand and cope with natural disasters.
Website: Birdie’s Tree – Children’s Health Queensland 

Homeless Services

Homeless Health Outreach
Address: Inner North Brisbane Mental Health Service, 162 Alfred Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006
Phone: (07) 3834 1673
24 hour assistance: 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 22 55)
Website: Metro North Health Homeless Health Outreach

Footprints Community
Address: 24 Light Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006
Phone: 07 3252 3488
Website: Footprints Community

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resources

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service 
Address: 55 Annerley Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
Phone: ( 07) 3240 8900
Website: Health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – ATSICHS ( 

 Institute for Urban Indigenous Health
Address: 22 Cox Road, Windsor, 4030
Phone: 07 38283600
Website: Institute for Urban Indigenous Health –

 Gallang Place (Counselling)
Address: 57 Southgate Avenue, Cannon Hill, QLD, 4150
Phone: 07 38995041
Website: Gallang Place

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council
Address: 36 Russell Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: (07) 3328 8500
Website: QAIHC – Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council 

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Resources

Embrace Translated Fact Sheets
The Embrace Project has developed translated fact sheets in the following topics:

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Getting professional Mental Health – What are the steps?
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Trauma
  • Bipolar Mood Disorder
  • Eating Disorder
  • Personality Disorder

Link to the Embrace Translated factsheet here 

Metro South Transcultural Mental Health Centre 
Woolloongabba Community Health Centre
Level 2, 228 Logan Road
Woolloongabba QLD 4102
Phone: (07) 3317 1234
Toll free phone: 1800 188 189 (outside Brisbane)
Website: Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre | Queensland Health

Link to contact details of mental health coordinators throughout QLD:
Multicultural Mental Health Co-ordinators Contact Details – Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Services

Referral form: tccs-referral-form.pdf (

World Wellness Centre
This centre in offers a support service for anyone from a multicultural background in Queensland regardless of visa status. They provide a support service phone line with relevant language support and information and referral services that are local to the client. They can also refer to internal face to face support in their Culture in Mind counselling program (though there is a long wait list).
Phone: Multicultural Connect Line (9.30am-4.30pm): 1300 079 020
Website: About The Helpline – World Wellness Group

Multilink Community Services provide a variety of support and settlement services for multicultural and refugee clients.
Address: 38 Blackwood Road, Logan Central Qld 4114
Phone: (07) 3808 4463
Website: Multilink | Challenging Boundaries Together

Address: 140 Mains Road, Sunnybank, Brisbane 4109
Phone: (07) 3344 1149
Website: Home – (

Multicultural Health (northside):
Website: Multicultural health – Brisbane North PHN

AMPARO Advocacy (CALD clients with a disability)
Address: Building 1, Level 2, 53 Prospect Rd, Gaythorne
Phone: (07) 07 3354 4900

QPASTT (Refugee and Asylum Seekers Counselling services) 
Address: 28 Dibley Street, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 (+ regional locations)
Phone: 07 3391 6677
Email for all offices:
Website: Home | | The Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture & Trauma

Grandparent Resources

Time for Grandparents
Time for Grandparents provides telephone support, advice, assistance, respite and programs for Grandparents raising grandchildren in Queensland.
Phone: 1300 135 500
Website: Home – Time for Grandparents QLD

Arafmi Resources
Arafmi Carer Newsletters
Useful Helplines and Resources

The Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia.

Wayfinder Hub National disability information and referral service that will helps link people with disability services.

My Mental Health site is an initiative of North Brisbane Partners in Recovery and was developed by Brisbane North PHN and Brightlabs.

Find a Mental Health Service allows you to search for mental health services by postcode and also lists a variety of helpful websites.

My Community Directory (Website)

Sane Lived Experience Forum (Website)

Sane Carer Discussion Forum (Website) 

Australian Psychological Society | APS (Website) Search for registered psychologists

Support Services for People with Disability – Queensland Search for support services for people with disability.

Advocacy Directory

Ask Izzy – Disability Advocacy People with disability who need someone to speak up for them can use Ask Izzy to search for independent Disability Advocacy providers in their area.

People with Disability 

1800 422 015

Queensland Advocacy Inc. 1300 130 582 

Speaking Up For You (Brisbane, Redlands, Moreton Bay) 07 3255 1244 

Synapse Qld  07 3137 7400 

Independent Advocacy North Queensland 1800 887 688 

Rights in Action (Cairns only) 07 4031 7377 

Ability Advocacy (Northern NSW only) – 1800 657 961

Legal Aid Qld – 1300 65 11 88

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