Our Caloundra Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
Our online support groups provide a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
Our Cooroy Carer Support Group offers a supportive environment where people have the opportunity to talk about their feelings, help explore alternative ways of coping, offer support to other group members, or to simply listen and observe.
Our online support groups provide a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
Our Redcliffe Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
Join us for Coffee Connect on the third Friday of the month in Townsville. Drop in, have a chat and catch up with Arafmi and other carers.
All mental health carers supporting family members, kin or friends experiencing mental ill-health are welcome.
Our Bayside Carer Support Group offers a supportive environment where people have the opportunity to talk about their experiences, help explore alternative ways of coping, offer support to other group members, or to simply listen and observe.