Arafmi’s 9th annual Mental Health Carer Forum will take place during National Carers Week on Tuesday, 18 October at Victoria Park. The theme for this year is Millions of Reasons to Care. The theme was chosen by National Carers Week to broaden the awareness of the 2.65 million Australians caring for their family members and friends. At the forum you will have the opportunity to: Connect with other carers at this special day out Find out new information about what’s happening in the mental health sector Share your views on carer needs in Queensland Enjoy a free gourmet lunch Book your free seated massage Meet and chat with members of the Arafmi Carer Advisory Committee and the Carer Support Team Meet and chat with stallholders When: 9:00am – 1:30pm, Tuesday, 18 October Where: Ballroom Victoria Park, 209 Herston Road, Herston. YouTube Live Stream You can also enjoy the forum at home if you are unable to attend. When registering your interest, please choose the YouTube Live Stream option.
Our Caloundra Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
Arafmi Carers of Youth (Online) Support Group is for families caring for youth experiencing mental health illness.
This support group provides peer support to people who care for their loved ones experiencing mental illness.
Caring for a loved one with a Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can bring with it some unique challenges. This support group has been created specifically to support the carers of those with a BPD and is a result of recent feedback from our carers.
Third Friday of each month from 10am. Our Redcliffe Carer Support Group offers a supportive environment where people have the opportunity to talk about their feelings, help explore alternative ways of coping, offer support to other group members, or to simply listen and observe. Support groups are also a valuable means of informing carers of Arafmi services and resources that are available to assist their caring role.
Our Redcliffe Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
Carer Gateway/Wellways, Carers Queensland and Arafmi invite you to join us for a gala dinner.You are invited to join us for a free two-course meal with two complimentary drinks, the opportunity to mingle, make new friends, catch up with old ones and dance the night away on the dance floor.This night is for you to unwind and relax amongst others who care like you do. Friday, 20 October6:30pm - 11:00pmBallroom, Victoria Park, HerstonDress: Formal