This month we will be reading The Surgeon of Crowthorne by Simon Winchester. It is 1985, in an Irish town. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, Bill Furlong, a coal and timber merchant, faces into his busiest season. As he does the rounds, he feels the past rising up to meet him - and encounters the complicit silences of a people controlled by the Church. Book Availability BCC Library - there is a long wait list so you may not receive the book in time if you put it on hold. Dymocks - $22.99 Amazon Kindle - $10.44
Basic Rights Queensland (BRQ) is a specialist community legal centre, providing free advice, advocacy and legal services.Basic Rights Queensland (BRQ) is a specialist community legal centre, providing free advice, advocacy and legal services state-wide by telephone. Basic right Qld provide help with Centrelink, disability discrimination assistance, Working women Qld and have a lot of information about how the law works. Join us to learn more about how Basic right Qld can support you.
Our Support Groups offer a supportive environment where people have the opportunity to talk about their feelings, help explore alternative ways of coping, offer support to other group members, or to simply listen and observe. Support groups are also a valuable means of informing carers of Arafmi services and resources that are available to assist their caring role.
Join us for a morning of art and crafts. Tap into your creative side and join us for a morning of crafting with Arafmi. Each month we will provide a different crafting project, but you’re also welcome to bring along a long-term project and work on it while you enjoy morning tea and much deserved time out.
Our Caloundra Carer Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, explore alternative coping strategies, support other group members, or simply listen and observe.
Arafmi Carers of Youth (Online) Support Group is for families caring for youth experiencing mental health illness.
This support group provides peer support to people who care for their loved ones experiencing mental illness.
In this workshop, we will look at how skills adapted from motivational interviewing can support us in having supportive interactionsCommunicating with our loved ones, supporting them through their struggles and on their recovery journey can be very challenging. Motivational interviewing is a communication strategy used by health professional to support people in making healthy changes. In this workshop, we will look at skills adapted from motivational interviewing that we can use to support our loved ones on their journey.This information session is designed specifically for people who care for a friend or family member with mental health needs.
This session is designed to assist carers to understand what the NDIS is, who is eligible to apply and how to apply for an NDIS package.What is Carer Coach?Carer Coach is a five module training series that Arafmi has developed to help mental health carers and the people they care for navigate the NDIS. Carer Coach is being delivered through face-to-face workshops, booklets and online.Carer Coach brings together information from a range of quality NDIS resources relevant to mental health carers. This information has been combined with the invaluable knowledge Arafmi’s frontline workers have developed through supporting people through the NDIS process, to provide carers with accurate and easily accessible information.Who is it for?Carer Coach is free for anyone who cares for or about a friend or family member with a psychosocial disability who wants to learn more about the NDIS. It is specifically tailored to the unique needs and challenges of mental health carers and the people they care
Training individuals on how to support themselves and others through emotional distress.Emotional CPR (eCPR) teaches people to support themselves and others through an emotional crisis by utilising three simple steps of connecting, empowering, and revitalising.Emotional CPR training is for anyone. It provides people with or without any previous training a set of skills to support another person who is experiencing emotional distress. People who use eCPR report that it becomes a way of life and strengthens their relationships with family, friends, co-workers, self and community members. Emotional CPR is highly recommended training for workers in front-facing roles where they regularly engage with the community.Please note this online course is a four day commitment. The course will take place over four Thursdays from 10 am to 1 pm:18 May25 May1 June8 JuneYou will receive the Zoom link by email from our facilitators. Should you have any queries, please contact us at
Caring for a loved one with a Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can bring with it some unique challenges. This support group has been created specifically to support the carers of those with a BPD and is a result of recent feedback from our carers.
Third Friday of each month from 10am. Our Redcliffe Carer Support Group offers a supportive environment where people have the opportunity to talk about their feelings, help explore alternative ways of coping, offer support to other group members, or to simply listen and observe. Support groups are also a valuable means of informing carers of Arafmi services and resources that are available to assist their caring role.