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LEAP Training

LEAP: Listen, Empathise, Agree and Partner Training (Online)

April 29, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

LEAP (Listen, Empathise, Agree and Partner) is a communication program that helps create relationships with people who are unable to understand they are ill (known as anosognosia), with the goal of helping them accept treatment. LEAP is an evidence-based communication program.

If you would like to find out more, you’re invited to join us at a session with Dr Amador, founder of LEAP, where you will learn more about this communication technique. It is invaluable when working with people with anosognosia.

Please register your interest here via Eventbrite

Learn about Dr Amador
Dr. Xavier Amador is an internationally renowned clinical psychologist, author, and leader in his field. His books, published clinical research, worldwide speaking tours and extensive work in schizophrenia, bipolar and other disorders have been translated into 30 languages. He is also the CEO of the Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia and a family caregiver of two close relatives with serious mental illness.

Dr. Amador is a Visiting Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York, and over the course of two decades he was Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology at Columbia University and Director of Psychology at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. His expertise has been called upon by government, industry and the broadcast and print media where he has appeared as a frequent expert for CNN, ABC News, NBC News, NBC Today Show Fox News Channel, CBS 60 Minutes, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Cosmo, Wall Street Journal and many other national and international news outlets.

Link to Dr. Amado youtube clip

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