
Mental Health First Aid (2 days)

Latvian Hall 10 Bank Lane, Woolloongabba

The workshop provides you with the skills to support a friend, family member or co-worker experiencing Mental distress or illness.Around 1 in 5 Australian adults experience a common mental illness each year. Completing an MHFA course gives you the skills and confidence to support a friend, family member or co-worker. Mental Health First Aid courses are run in over 25 countries and over 3 million people have been trained worldwide. Be part of our growing community of mental health first aidersThis event runs over two days on the 10 & 11 August from 9am - 4:30pm each day.Tea (black and herbal), milk and coffee will be provided for the two days. However, please bring your own lunch.This workshop is free for people who care for a friend or family member with mental health needs. Numbers are limited, preference is given to Mental Health Carers and Arafmi Volunteers.

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