Emotional CPR (Online) 4 x Thursdays (18 May, 25 May, 1 Jun, 8 Jun)

Training individuals on how to support themselves and others through emotional distress.Emotional CPR (eCPR) teaches people to support themselves and others through an emotional crisis by utilising three simple steps of connecting, empowering, and revitalising.Emotional CPR training is for anyone. It provides people with or without any previous training a set of skills to support another person who is experiencing emotional distress. People who use eCPR report that it becomes a way of life and strengthens their relationships with family, friends, co-workers, self and community members. Emotional CPR is highly recommended training for workers in front-facing roles where they regularly engage with the community.Please note this online course is a four day commitment. The course will take place over four Thursdays from 10 am to 1 pm:18 May25 May1 June8 JuneYou will receive the Zoom link by email from our facilitators. Should you have any queries, please contact us at carersupport@arafmi.com.au.

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