Arafmi Mental Health Carer Forum 2022

Arafmi Mental Health Carer Forum 2022  The Carer Forum this year was yet another success. Feedback received from attendees was all quite positive and we’re pleased with the Victoria Park venue. With a few suggestions and feedback taken on board, we’re looking forward to bringing you another great forum in 2023!  During the forum we heard from our CEO and Carer Support Team Manager, Irene and Frie. We were given an update on the mental health carer hub progress and advised of new funding for the team. As part of this, we split into three groups: systems advocacy, respite and regional engagement. In these groups we discussed what we wanted to see in these areas and what we didn’t want to see.  Systems Advocacy What do you want to see?  A holistic emotional health unit like the Mater Emotional Health Unit. This unit is private but each person is dealt with as an individual and given one-on-one with psychologists and social workers etc.   Early intervention to prevent or lessen the amount of people going into Emergency Department for crisis care.  More hospital accountability. Diversity when asking for the carer voice in both online and offline.  More linking with services. Lobby…

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