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MH Carers Hub 2

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Mental Health Carer Hub

There are approx 2.7 million unpaid mental health carers in Australia, providing support to loved ones, family and friends. As a result of the carers providing this support, it saves the Australian Government billions of dollars p/annum. These unpaid mental health carers are supported by not-for-profit organisations such as Arafmi.

Project Background

Arafmi began as the Association of Friends and Relatives of the Mentally Ill (ARAFMI) but through the years, the meaning and the acronym was removed, and we became “Arafmi”. Whilst the branding may have changed, the core of our organisation remains the same: providing help and support for mental health carers. Often, mental health carers live with the person they care for, which means they’re unable to take a break. 

With the generous partnership and support of the Community Infrastructure and Investment Partnership (CIIP) Arafmi is self-funding the redevelopment of our property in Harcourt Street, New Farm. This property will become a dedicated mental health carer hub providing services for carers across Queensland. 

When complete, Arafmi will be providing support groups, information sessions, workshops and free counselling. We will also be self-funding carer respite accommodation. The hub will be a sanctuary for mental health carers and will also be home to our Carer Support Team. 

Whilst the CIIP enables the redevelopment of the property, we are launching a fundraising campaign to raise funds for resources and furniture. Your donations will directly go towards resourcing and furnishing the Arafmi Mental Health Carer Hub. 

Please give generously today and become part of the Arafmi story! 

Project Update

Carer Hub Update – Work underway!

Work is well underway at the Harcourt Street property. We’ve been popping in when we can to see the progress. As you can see, there has been quite a bit of work done and it won’t be long before we can start to see the full extent of the carer hub redevelopment taking place.

Read MoreJune 2, 2022

Carer Hub Development Plans

It's very exciting to be able to see plans taking shape for our mental health carer hub! Previously the property at Harcourt Street, New Farm was used as an office for our staff members before they moved into the office at Merthyr Road, New Farm. Until recently the house has been the unofficial Arafmi storage facility, housing everything from filing...

Read MoreJune 2, 2022
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